Sponsor Show Page

Alere San Diego

NCT01347567 Heart Failure (HF) Outpatient Monitoring Evaluation (HOME) Study
NCT01563250 Improving the Management of Acute Coronary Syndromes in the Emergency Department
NCT01032278 Effectiveness of Using Biomarkers to Detect and Identify Cardiotoxicity and Describe Treatment (PREDICT)
NCT02351063 HF Assessment With BNP in the Home: Part II
NCT01291836 Acute Kidney Injury Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin Evaluation of Symptomatic Heart Failure Study
NCT01434433 Alere Triage fs B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Method Comparison Evaluation
NCT01374880 Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of New Biomarkers in Patients With Heart Disease
NCT01557361 Standard Versus Accelerated Initiation of Dialysis in Acute Kidney Injury
NCT01941277 Effect of Exercise on Insulin Resistance