Detailed Result for NCT01032278

NCT ID: NCT01032278
NLM Download Date Description: N/A
Study First Submitted Date: 2009-12-13
Last Update Submitted Date: 2019-05-17
Last Update Submitted Date: 2019-05-17
Result First Submitted Date: N/A
Disposition First Submitted Date: N/A
Start Month Year: January 25, 2011
Start Date: 2011-01-25
Start Date Type: Actual
Verification Month Year: May 2019
Verification Date: 2019-05-31
Completion Month Year: January 2021
Completion Date: 2021-01-31
Completion Date Type: Anticipated
Primary Completion Month Year: January 2020
Primary Completion Date: 2020-01-31
Primary Completion Date Type: Anticipated
Study first Submitted QC Date: 2009-12-13
Study first posted Date: 2009-12-15
Result first Submitted QC Date: N/A
Result First Posted Date: N/A
Disposition First Submitted QC Date: N/A
Disposition First Posted Date: N/A
Last Updated Submitted QC Date: 2019-05-17
Last Updated Posted Date: 2019-05-21
Target Duration: N/A
Study Type: Interventional
Acronym: N/A
Baseline Population: N/A
Brief Title: Effectiveness of Using Biomarkers to Detect and Identify Cardiotoxicity and Describe Treatment (PREDICT)
Official Title: A Multicenter Study in Patients Undergoing AnthRacycline-Based Chemotherapy to Assess the Effectiveness of Using Biomarkers to Detect and Identify Cardiotoxicity and Describe Treatment (PREDICT)
Overall Status: Unknown status
Last Known Status: Active, not recruiting
Phase: Not Applicable
Enrollment: 597
Enrollment Type: Actual
Source: M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Limitation and Caveats: N/A
Number of Arms: 1
Number of Groups: N/A
Why Stopped: N/A
Has Expanded Access: N/A
Expanded Access Type Individual: N/A
Expanded Access Type Intermediate: N/A
Expanded Access Type Treatment: N/A
Has DMC: true
Is it FDA Regulated Drug: N/A
Is it FDA Regulated Device: N/A
Is it Unapproved Device: N/A
Is US Export: N/A
Is Biospec Retention: N/A
Biospec Description: N/A
Plan to Share IPD: N/A
Plan to Share IPD Description: N/A
IPD Time Frame: N/A
IPD Access Criteria: N/A